Coming Soon

We will be adding workshop programs and other great resources soon.

Effective Communication for Co-Parents

This will be part of a series of mini-courses to help you build the foundations of co-parenting smoothly. Get in our Insiders Circle for Updates.

Holiday Co-Parenting Planner

This will be part of a series of mini-courses to help you build the foundations of co-parenting smoothly. Get in our Insiders Circle for Updates.

Navigating Co-Parenting 101

This will be part of a series of mini-courses to help you build the foundations of co-parenting smoothly. Get in our Insiders Circle for Updates.

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What the Co-Parent

Your go-to place for real stories, relatable humour, and practical advice on navigating the ups and downs of co-parenting.

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co-parenting journey from exes to allies.

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